Are You Aware About Dual Diagnosis? Why You Need It?

Are You Aware About Dual Diagnosis? Why You Need It?

Many people often suffer from various mental issues and then in order to escape from that they turn to drugs or alcohol. Also, if someone regularly abuses any drug or alcohol then too various symptoms of mental disorder can be found. If any of you are suffering from such problem then you have got a dual diagnosis issue and you need to find right treatment for you.

Quite often, the mental health problem comes first due to which one gets involved in substance abuse, while in some other case, the problem of substance abuse starts first and that leads to mental and emotional problems. In such situation you will need dual diagnosis treatment.

What are the reasons for turning to drug or alcohol?

Following are the few common reasons due to which often people start abusing drug or alcohol.

  • Changes in the sleeping habitsĀ 
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Difficulty in relaxing
  • Feeling of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Feeling worried, panicked, nervous or uneasy
  • Feeling of worthlessness or guilty.
  • Loss of energy.
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Weight gain/loss.

One must remember, longer you associate with these drugs or alcohol in order to get relief from your mental stress, there is more likelihood that you will get addicted to them. In such conditions, you are creating more problem for yourself, as your treatment will become more difficult.

What are various mental problems?

Following are few mental problems that are developed due to addiction:

  • Anxiety.
  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Depression.
  • Personality disorder problem.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or (PTSD).
  • Schizophrenia.

It is important that you must get it diagnosed accurately so that you can take proper course of treatment.

How to get treatment for Dual Diagnosis?

You need to find a suitable rehab program which can treat both your mental disorder as well as substance abuse simultaneously. In case, you cannot find any such program or any treatment center with an integrated approach, it will be little difficult for you to get recovery and there may be frequent relapsing. Following treatment must be included:

  1. Detox.
  2. Behavioral therapy (Such as integrated group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy and dialectical behavior therapy).
  3. Medication

Depending upon your condition of mental health, doctors will prescribe necessary medication.

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